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The Career Training Program


The Career Training Program (CTP) provides eligible UFT paraprofessionals with the opportunity to earn their first Bachelor's degree. The program pays tuition for 3 to 6 credits per semester for undergraduate study at a participating college or university. Program participants that are registered for and actively taking five (5) or more credit hours are eligible for two and a half (2.5) hours per week of Release Time to support study. Participating paraprofessionals may also apply for a Summer Stipend to support study. Paraprofessionals are responsible for researching, applying, and enrolling in an approved participating college or university.




To be eligible for the CTP Program, the candidate must:


  • Be a full-time paraprofessional employed in a NYC public school who has not yet earned a Bachelor's degree.
  • Be payrolled as a full-time paraprofessional at the time of application filing and remain appointed as a full-time paraprofessional  for the remainder of the application school year.
  • Show proof of mandatory matriculation into a degree-bearing program after completion of 45 credits.
  • Substitute Paraprofessionals are not eligible to participate in the CTP Program.
  • The Career Training Program is limited to 120 credits to be paid on behalf of the paraprofessional towards completing the first Bachelor's degree program. Exceptions will be reviewed on a case by case basis.
  • Note: The 120 credits represents the total credit count, which includes all transfer credits and credits taken before program participation. If you start the program with 0 credits, we will pay up to 120 credits. If you start the program with credits, we will pay the difference (120-X credits).
  • Paraprofessionals must have a 2.0 grade point average or greater to be eligible for the program. 
  • Paraprofessionals must maintain a "C" grade point average (2.0) to remain eligible to participate in the program.
  • Paraprofessionals that drop below a 2.0-grade point average will not be eligible for the CTP Voucher.
  • The NYC Public Schools will NOT pay for courses with "F" grades, late withdrawals, or unofficial withdrawals.
  • Paraprofessionals that are no longer eligible to participate in the Career Training Program are financially responsible for paying all course credits, tuition, and applicable fees.




Financial aid will cover any tuition-related expenses for paraprofessionals who benefit from the Federal Pell Grant or the New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) grant.  The attending college/university will bill the NYC Public Schools for the difference between tuition owed and the amount of tuition assistance received. The NYCPS will not pay for course materials or other fees the college charges. The NYCPS will not pay activity, application, technology, and any other fees charged by the college or university; this will be the paraprofessional's responsibility.


  • Fall SemesterMay 1st through June 30th 
  • Spring SemesterSeptember 1st through October 31st 
  • Summer Semester – February 1st through March 31st 

NOTE: An application must be submitted for each semester (fall, spring, and summer). Unused vouchers may not be applied to a previous or upcoming semester.


CTP Fact Sheet
Click Here
CTP FAQ Document
Click Here
CTP UFT Paraprofessional Release Time Memo Click Here
CTP DC-37 Paraprofessional Release Time Memo Click Here
CTP Brochure  Click Here 
Approved Colleges and Universities Click Here
Summer Stipend Fact Sheet Click Here
Summer Stipend Application Click Here
CTP Voucher - University/College Name Change Form Click Here
CTP Sample Confirmation Email 

IMPORTANT - Effective immediately: 

  • To ensure that you receive your email confirmation and voucher, applicants must utilize their NYCPS email address. The Teacher Support Network (TSN) system will no longer accept email addresses from other domains. 
  • To update or change your voucher's college or university name, you must download and submit the completed CTP Voucher - University/College Name Change Form (listed above). Please allow 48 hours for your request to be processed.
  • Applicants will receive a confirmation email within 24-48 hours after applying for the Career Training Program. 


For detailed instructions on how to apply for the Career Training Program Voucher, review our CTP Application Guide.


You will receive an email confirmation once your application has been successfully submitted. If you do not receive an email, your application was not submitted, and you will need to re-submit your application.


If you require further information, please email CareerTraining@schools.nyc.gov or call us at (718) 935-2449.


The NYC Public Schools (NYCPS) provides eligible paraprofessionals with a 40-day paid leave of absence to complete student teaching requirements through this program. There are instances when colleges and universities will not accept work as a Paraprofessional in place of student teaching. The NYCPS will provide a 40-day paid leave of absence to complete student teaching requirements. The number of leaves per year will not exceed 100 (50 leaves for the fall and 50 leaves for the spring). These particular leaves of absence are by application only. Applicants must receive approval before they can begin their leave of absence.

Please read the document below to learn more about the PSTLOA Program and see the required documents.

Student Teaching Leave of Absence Program Overview Click here


Fall Application:  July 1st - October 1st

Spring Application:  December 1st - March 1st (THE APPLICATION IS NOW CLOSED - We have reached our application cap.)


Eligible Paraprofessionals must:

  • Be a full-time, active employee with a minimum of one (1) full school year as a Paraprofessional. Working as a substitute paraprofessional will not count toward this requirement.
  • Be payrolled as a full-time paraprofessional at the time of application filing and remain appointed as a full-time paraprofessional for the remainder of the application school year.
  • Have at least a 2.5 GPA in the program of study.
  • Be enrolled in a New York State Education Department (NYSED) approved program leading to New York State teaching certification.  If you are enrolled in an online college or an out-of-state college, please note the following: Online colleges and universities not approved by NYSED, which do not lead to teacher certification, will not be considered for this program.  Additionally, out-of-state colleges whose programs are not officially approved by NYSED will not be considered for this program.

Eligible Paraprofessionals must fall into one of three categories below:

  • Category A - A paraprofessional with a degree in education (undergraduate or graduate) but was not recommended for certification based on the lack of student teaching.
  • Category B - A paraprofessional enrolled in a Master's degree program leading to initial certification and needs student teaching to complete their program.
  • Category C - A paraprofessional enrolled in an undergraduate program leading to initial certification and needs student teaching to complete their program.
  • All pertinent documents must be received at least four (4) weeks before the requested leave of absence date.
  • Student Teaching Leave of Absence applications are provided annually on a limited basis during the fall and spring only.
  • Eligible paraprofessionals must be payrolled as a full-time paraprofessional at the time of application filing and remain appointed as a full-time paraprofessional for the remainder of the application school year. 
  • Leaves will be granted by the severity of the need, with priority given to paraprofessionals who have already graduated from initial teacher education programs.
  • This program allows up to 40 days of student teaching. Applicants can only apply to the Student Teaching Leave of Absence program one time only.  
  • For a leave of absence extending beyond the approval period, the applicant must apply for an unpaid extended Leave of Absence time through the SOE Self-Service Online Leave Application System (SOLAS). Leave of absence will only be granted for student teaching leading to initial teacher certification.
  • No leave of absence will be granted for non-teaching positions, such as school counselor, psychologist, social worker, attendance teacher, or other similar titles

Please click the SUBMIT button on your application to ensure that your application has been successfully submitted. You will receive an email confirmation once your application has been submitted successfully. If you do not receive an email, your application was not successfully submitted, and you will need to re-submit your application.

Please mail the required documents to:

New York City Public Schools

Scholarships, Incentives, and Pupil Personnel Services

65 Court Street, Room 508, Brooklyn, New York 11201

Attn: Paraprofessional Student Teaching LOA Program


If you require further information, please email SISPParaIncentives@schools.nyc.gov or call us at (718) 935-2449. 


The NYC Public Schools (NYCPS) will reimburse up to twelve (12) credits towards completing a graduate education program leading to teacher certification for eligible paraprofessionals matriculated in a graduate education program.  New York State certification must be achieved after September 1, of the application year, and must comply with the application procedures for the program as outlined in the document below. Eligible paraprofessionals must be payrolled as a full-time paraprofessional at the time of application filing and remain appointed as a full-time paraprofessional for the remainder of the school year.

Para to Teacher Pathway Graduate Reimbursement Program Information  Click here

To learn more about the Para to Teacher Pathway Graduate Reimbursement Program and the required documents needed to complete the application, please read the Para to Teacher Pathway Graduate Reimbursement Program Information document above.


Annually: February 1st -- March 31st

  • Eligible Paraprofessionals must be admitted and fully matriculated into a NYS approved and accredited graduate education program leading to teacher certification.
  • Eligible Paraprofessionals must have completed twelve (12) credits towards completing the graduate program.
  • Eligible Paraprofessionals must have at least one (1) full year of paid experience as a paraprofessional within the New York City Public Schools.
  • Eligible Paraprofessionals must be payrolled as a full-time paraprofessional at the time of application filing and remain appointed as a full-time paraprofessional for the remainder of the application school year.
  • All reimbursable coursework must be part of a master's degree program in education, leading to a degree in teaching and NYS certification.
  • Eligible graduate programs must be in a classroom teaching discipline.
  • Pre-requisite or required content courses are ineligible for reimbursement.
  • Coursework must have a passing grade of "B" or better to be eligible for reimbursement. 
  • All reimbursements are made at the current CUNY graduate rate of tuition.
  • Education programs in disciplines other than teacher education that does not lead to NYS certification as a classroom teacher are not eligible for participation in this program and will not be reimbursed.
  • This program does not apply to the following disciplines: Guidance Counselors, Psychologists, Social Workers, Attendance Teachers, and Speech Pathologists.
  • Reimbursement does not apply to pre-requisite courses or coursework taken before program admission.
  • Release time for graduate credits is not applicable.
  • The program will only reimburse for the courses required for the Initial certification.
  • If the student receives other financial aid, grants, etc., financial aid will be used to cover any tuition-related expenses. The attending college or university will bill the NYCPS the difference between tuition owed and the amount of tuition assistance received.
  • The participants must pick up reimbursement checks at the Office of Scholarships, Incentives, and Pupil Personnel Services, located at 65 Court Street, 5th floor, Room 508, Brooklyn, NY 11201. Photo ID is required for identification verification. 

Please click the SUBMIT button on your application to ensure that your application has been successfully submitted. You will receive an email confirmation once your application has been submitted successfully. If you do not receive an email, your application was not successfully submitted, and you will need to re-submit your application.

Please mail the required documents to:

New York City Public Schools

Scholarships, Incentives, and Pupil Personnel Services

65 Court Street, Room 508, Brooklyn, New York 11201

Attn: Paraprofessional to Teacher Pathway Graduate Reimbursement Program

If you require further information, please email SISPParaIncentives@schools.nyc.gov or call us at (718) 935-2449.



The NYC Public Schools (NYCPS) offers a one-time reimbursement up to $400.00 for the state teacher certificate application and NYS certification examinations to eligible paraprofessionals interested in pursuing a career as an educator within the New York City Public Schools.  Applicants must be payrolled as a full-time paraprofessional at the time of application filing and remain appointed as a full-time paraprofessional for the remainder of the application school year. 

To learn more about the Paraprofessional Certification Testing Reimbursement Program, review the documents below.

Certification Testing Reimbursement Program Overview

Click Here

Paraprofessional Certification Reimbursement Application

Click Here


Annually: March 1st - April 30th

  • Paraprofessionals must have attained NYS certification as a teacher on or after 09/01 of the application year.
  • Paraprofessionals must have receipts for the NYS Examinations and the NYS Teacher Application.
  • Reimbursement must be requested within one year of certification.


  • Certification Testing Reimbursement Program Application; NYS Teacher Application and NYS Examination receipts; and Proof of passing examinations required for certification.

If you require further information, please email SISPParaIncentives@schools.nyc.gov or call us at (718) 935-2449.


The Lead Teacher Assistant position is an annual position for active full-time paraprofessionals at the NYC Public Schools (NYCPS) that allows for more diverse use of paraprofessionals in the classroom and school to support students' needs. LTAs support instruction in the classroom under the supervision of the classroom teacher throughout the school year. This position allows paraprofessionals to enhance their skills and serves as a potential career pathway leading to a teaching career.  Applicants must be payrolled as a full-time paraprofessional at the time of application filing and remain appointed as a full-time paraprofessional for the remainder of the application school year. Eligible full-time paraprofessionals receive additional compensation of up to $5,000. Paraprofessionals revert to their previous title and base salary at the end of the school year.

To learn more about the Lead Teacher Assistant position, please read the LTA/BLTA Position Posting below or contact us at LTAInfo@schools.nyc.gov or 718-935-2449.

LTA/BLTA Position Posting Click Here



Annually: January 1 - March 31 

  • Eligible Paraprofessionals must have a Bachelor's degree at the time of application filing.
  • Eligible Paraprofessionals must have an active and issued Teacher Assistant Certificate (Level I, II, or III) from the New York State Education Department.  
  • Candidates must submit a copy of their transcript (official or unofficial) with the date degree was conferred and a copy of their Teaching Assistant Certificate.
  • Eligible Paraprofessionals must have served one (1) year as a full-time, active paraprofessional at NYCDOE.
  • Eligible Paraprofessionals must have a satisfactory record of attendance and punctuality.
  • Bilingual LTA applicants must demonstrate fluency (ability to read, write, comprehend, and speak without hesitation) and high language proficien